mysql split string by delimiter. If desperate you can use REPLACE to change the delimiters to commas within the FIND_IN_SET function:-. mysql split string by delimiter

 If desperate you can use REPLACE to change the delimiters to commas within the FIND_IN_SET function:-mysql split string by delimiter Surprisingly MySQL doesn’t have a dedicated function for this operations as opposed to split_part in PostgreSQL

Share. The offset in the input string that the element was found. 1. Example, I have the table, Col1 | col2 1 | a,b,c 2 | d,e From above, I want . 1. Here is my solution. I have this which gives me the number of delimits in the column: select LENGTH (a. fnSplitString ('3454545,222,555', ',') Then using a cursor or a while loop assign each individual to a variable if you wish. The problem I am having is there may be more than one -. 0. This is the easiest method to split delimited string in SQL Server. 6. Why is it bad? You are storing numbers as strings. But there is split function for that ( doc ). When max_substrings > 0, the returned substrings will be no more than max_substrings, otherwise the function will return as many substrings as possible. I have imported some data using an application that collects info from IMDB and transfers them into a MYSQL database. 在 mysql 数据库中,有时我们需要截取字段或字符串的一部分进行查询、展示或处理。本文将介绍 mysql 中常用的字段截取和字符串截取方法,帮助你灵活处理数据。通过本文的介绍,你学习了在 mysql 数据库中进行字段截取和字符串截取的常用方法。Lets create a sample table named PhoneNumberList and insert some records into this table as shown below. It can accept any character or sequence of characters, such as a comma, a space, or even a regular. SQL parsing delimited data in one column out to two other columns. The string contains multiple substrings separated by commas (','). oaddress, -- n. O. DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `SplitString`$$ CREATE PROCEDURE `SplitString` ( IN input TEXT,IN delm VARCHAR (10),tblnm varchar (50)) BEGIN DECLARE cur_position INT DEFAULT 1 ; DECLARE remainder TEXT; DECLARE cur_string. N,SUBSTRING_INDEX (yourColumnName,’yourSeperatorSymbol’,1) as anyVariableName from yourTableName; The value 1 indicates that you can get left part of string. Here is an example of using STRING_SPLIT. The GROUP_CONCAT () function returns a single string, not a list of values. 5. String-valued functions return NULL if the length of the result would be greater than the value of the max_allowed_packet system variable. For instance, have a look at this input table: Using the function, the result would be: In this case, the delimited string is the Person column that should be taken as parameter. Function without set operation will be faster according to my understanding of sql server. How to split a string using mysql. I've not been able to add 'as. Apart from the solutions I’ve already shown you, MySQL has an inbuilt SUBSTRING_INDEX() function with which you can find a part of a string. Also, is there a similar 3. Share. As an aside, I may be misunderstanding. have been blown away by this STRING_SPLIT function. Expected output: Pno Cno Sno 000002 09 007 000003 31 004 000042 51 007 I have tried the following query: SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX (COL1, ',', 1) Pno ,SUBSTRING_INDEX (COL2, ',', 1) Cno ,SUBSTRING_INDEX (COL3, ',', 1) Sno FROM MyTargetTable Result: Pno Cno Sno 000002 09 007 If I read correctly, and the actual strings in your column do not deviate from the data you showed us, then I think we can simply do a blanket replacement of ; with |;| to get the output you want: SELECT REPLACE (col, ';', '|;|') AS new_col FROM yourTable Output: |RPI|;|DHCP Letter|;|IFU|;|PIL|;|PCL| Demo here: Rextester Share Improve this answer Learn how to use the SUBSTRING_INDEX function and a stored procedure to split a string in MySQL by a delimiter. SQL Split String by Delimiter. 1. SQL server has provided on in built function which will directly convert the comma separated string in to rows format. Notice that the address is one string value in one column. Prabhu. Finally, to compress the result down into a single set of rows we take the MAX value for each position grouped by that row. If you set it to some other value, reset it to default whitespace. Mysql에서는 split와 같은 함수가 없습니다. a. The string to split: separator: Optional. However, I realize that this might be ambiguous. If I read correctly, and the actual strings in your column do not deviate from the data you showed us, then I think we can simply do a blanket replacement of ; with |;| to get the output you want: SELECT REPLACE (col, ';', '|;|') AS new_col FROM yourTable. I want to split a comma-separated string in Category column : Category; Auto,A,1234444: Auto,B,2345444: Electronincs,Computer,33443434: I want to get only a single value from above string: value1: Auto value2: A value3: 1234444 I found how using Replace() and Trim(). However, I want an easier approach. MySQL Split String. For example, we could be sometimes willing to separate the column values which consists of delimiter. * substring_index. (Note it will return NULL if the specified index does not exist) e. It is possible:-- Preparation CREATE TABLE tb_Digits (d int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY); INSERT tb_Digits VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); INSERT IGNORE tb_Digits SELECT o1. This function has the following syntax. MySQL Forums Forum List. Basically, you create CASE statements that extract each part of your string. MySQL how to split and extract from string. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at the SPLIT_STRING () function in MySQL, which is a powerful tool for splitting strings efficiently. Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter separator which holds the character to split the string. mysql; Share. @string = varchar(max); the input string to "split" into tokens. split()) It breaks the string into smaller chunks. And now we want to split this string to 3 different strings by the separator. Your code works and seems relevant for your use case. Here is my current function code: CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `split_string_multi_byte`( source_string VARCHAR(255), delim VARCHAR(12), pos. MySQL - Split String. Picking out a string from varchar MySQL, Stored Procedure. prd_code HWC-4054 (100 Pcs available) HWC-7514 (125 pcs available) HWC-1516 (total 80 pcs available) HWC-8008 (80pcs available) Required output. But i want to use these keywords for a search option. This isn't fixed width either. 525 7 7 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges. Here is the syntax of the SUBSTRING_INDEX () function: SUBSTRING_INDEX (str,delimiter,n) Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) In this syntax: str is the string from which you want to extract a substring. DELIMITER $$ CREATE FUNCTION getValuesByOptionIds ( optionIds VARCHAR(255) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(255) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN. I'd like to split a string in MySQL using a regex delimiter. i also need to have an identifier to tell that the first X number of records belong to the first record of the source file etc (in the above example, it is the first column - 1,2,3). MySQL - Split String. 25. 2. MySQL : MySQL: Split comma separated list into multiple rows [ Beautify Your Computer : ] MySQL : MySQL: Split comm. FunctionHere tblindex is temporary table i have used. SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX (path, ':', 2) as p, sum (count) as N From x Group by p UNION SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX (path, ':', 3) as p, sum (count) From x Group by p. SUBSTRING_INDEX () is a feature that MySQL provides us to derive a substring from a string. The maximum is 5 substrings delimited by ';' . i just give 3 sample subjects but in realdata it maybe any number of subjects seperated by comma. Use a query. id WHERE language. You can use Substring_Index() function; it returns a substring in the left side of the given count of occurrences of the given delimiter. These are expr also known as expression, delimiter that tells the method to stop the execution, and counter that represents the occurrence count of the delimiter. Sometimes when you're writing SQL queries you may need to split a string on a certain delimiter. If it is a negative number, this function returns all to the right of the delimiter. ', ' '); Of course, you can split a string using some other separator, e. Marco Disco Marco Disco. @delimiterLength = int; the size of the delimiter. SQL Query String Split by Delimiter. If it is a positive number, this function returns all to the left of the delimiter. 367. i, -- use the index to. How to convert a JSON array to. 12. uid, st. 1. w. ie. When you execute the MID function on the next line, string index begin with 1. ; Returned value(s) Returns an array of selected substrings. 0. Note, this technique is dynamic - it will split any count of strings split with | and store them in table variable table. // Function to split string. This concept comes into the picture if you are intended to split the string. In SQL this is done with recursive queries (available since MySQL 8. 0. If You Have any Question ! Click on the Bellow Link and in Comment section , Ask your Question ?Question Link: split comma-separated string into rows Raw. As you can see below sample table named EmpPhone . This section describes functions and operators for examining and manipulating string values. O. If the count value is negative, then it returns all to the right of the delimiter. This will help you. If you need to create a list for something like an IN clause then you probably need to reconsider you data-model to allow the values you would normally parse out to be in separate rows. They can use following query: SQL. AuthorId, BookAuthors. val, 1,. Splitting to separate fields of a result set is a bit tricky if you have a varying number of elements per row. Quoting this PostgreSQL API docs:. And I can't invent anything except for dumb scanning the input string inside the loop. If it is a positive number, this function returns all to the left of the delimiter. Select Custom Split. so this will be more efficient. Split a column in 2 columns using comma as separator MySQL - For this, you can use substring_index() in MySQL. For example, a table with 1024 rows with the values 1. Tags:. STRING_SPLIT to Multiple Variables. 255','-',1)as string1 How can I accomplish the same thing in SQL? I'd like to split the IP range into two strings based on the -delimiter which can vary in position due to. Advanced Search. custAddress( colID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , myAddress VARCHAR(200) ); GO. If you want to stick with the comma separated string, you can find many string. I have a table named event01_eventsummary. MySQL split concept is to split the string related data. It checks for a specific delimiter, so the substring before it will be outputted. This function can be used. The below programs demonstrate the working of the split () function: Example 1: javascript. Hot Network Questions Checking CMOS battery without going into the BIOS What language was the first to treat null checks as smart casts to non-nullable types?. You can create the whole select query as a string inside a variable and then concatenate in the comma delimited string into its IN clause. I would look into the substring function in SQL which is SUBSTR, but it is more for set positions in the string, not so much for variable. Call explode () function and pass the single space character (as string), and the original string as arguments. MySQL Forums Forum List » Newbie. MySQL sp_split() splits a comma delimited string into a recordset & inserts it into target table or returns itFunction params are Input String, Delimiter char and Record Number. Below introduces how to pass 3 parameters. 31. I need to split this string into multiple fields at the occurrence of each delimiter as shown below:. 1234, 2345, 3456, 4567. Hot Network Questions Why does the POSIX for-loop allow a `for name in ; do` (no words in list) syntax?. When using -1 for the last parameter, you will only get the last element of this string, so you will end up with the second name in names. value. has been blown away by this STRING_SPLIT function. User might give any delimiter and any number of times. It would display 5, the first occurrence of the specified substring which is in this case an underscore _. Method 1: Standard SQL Split String. I'm dealing with an old badly designed database in transition to a new system. Xerothermic Xenomorph. I am very new for mysql and their function and I was created function and pass the string to that function. SELECT * FROM STRING_SPLIT ( string,. AuthorId =. I'm trying to split a field (at some delimiter ';') and insert the results into a table. Example 2: Split a string by a comma. The delimiter to search for: number: Required. MySQL Splitting string value separated by comma using INSERT INTO/SELECT. For such cases, we utilize the split idea. // is a common choice, and used throughout the Knowledge Base. . And this string is then split based on the specified delimiter. It takes a number as its second argument, and that. n) I'm struggling to put it together. This idea comes into the image, assuming you plan to part the string. Result. There a few possibilities here - Solution1 uses standard MariaDB string functions, and Solution2 makes use of regular expressions (regexes - excellent site here, quick start here). Syntax:The SQL STRING_SPLIT () function is used to convert string into column. The delimiter to search for: number: Required. MYSQL - Split Data Into Multiple Rows. We've got a string split that takes a string, a delimiter and returns a table, my problem is I'm really not sure how to integrate the table in my query to join the job offers and the categories. Split String. ', n)) splits the string on the '. Split a string with no delimiters into columns. 0. The function SUBSTRING_INDEX() takes 3 arguments: the source string, the delimiter, and the occurrence count of the delimiter. Such an antipattern can involve the creation of a dynamic SQL string in the application layer or in Transact-SQL. 0, you can use json_table() to split the original arrayto rows, and then build new objects and aggregate them with json_arrayagg(). The following posts may prove of interest: split keywords for post php mysql. 0. split-string-into-rows. This function takes string and delimiter as the arguments. id = 4; I also know that this code will give me the text at which delimit: SUBSTRING_INDEX (a. Here's another example using a comma as a delimiter: -- split a shopping list by commas. ' delimiter and then holds on to the first "n" parts. 7) MySQL: Split comma separated list into multiple rows. 4. Syntax¶ SPLIT_TO_TABLE (<string>, <delimiter>) Copy. How can I split this string 10. This string is then added to the MySQL database. How to split a string using mysql. g. MySQL statement: spliting rows values into new columns. select t. Mysql comma seperated to json-array. For functions that operate on string positions, the first position is numbered 1. Table Movie MovieID Movie_Title Written_By 1 Movie1 Person1, Person2 2 Movie2 Person3 3. For each row of comma-separated values, the function will return one or more rows of split values. If you only interested in the first value, you don't need to use STRING_SPLIT (). SplitIndex (' ', 'Hello World', 3) would return NULL because index 3 does not exist. I want to split the strings and use it in the same column using SQL. splitting mysql col with csv values into respective fields. In this approach, we only call a single function for each query. Regards, TauceefThe current best way to split delimited strings in SQL Server is to use a CLR splitter. MySQL does not include a function to split a delimited string. Then it is inserted in to mysql table. The CHAR_LENGTH() expression is a tricky way to count the words in the command-separated string. 正の数の場合は、文字列の先頭から末尾. Re: Split a delimited string. en, ',', 1) AS city, SPLIT_STR(l. MySQL function to split strings by delimiter doens't work with Polish special characters. Example, I have the table, Col1 | col2 1 | a,b,c 2 | d,e From above, I want . id, s. Although separated data would normally be split into separate fields within a relation data, spliting such can be useful either during initial data load/validation or where such data is. i have string in a column1 that is '001,002,003,. How to. MySQL differentiates between the pipe (|) and semicolon (;) as delimiters. <mytable> as a where a. MySql - Select from a string concatenated with a comma. I've tested against 1 million rows and returns results in 12 seconds (fairly contrived test). Blog Splitting Comma-Separated Values In MySQL MySQL substring extraction using delimiter. If that doesn't work, because you might have a pencil ( ) in your data, and you can't find a single character in the 1,111,998 available Unicode characters that won't be in your data set, you'll have to skip STRING_SPLIT(), since it is hard-coded to accept a single character delimiter (separator Is a single character expression). The type of string comparison. -- Create the maximum number of words we want to pick (indexes in n) with recursive n (i) as ( select 1 i union all select i+1 from n where i < 1000 ) select distinct s. If the count value is negative, then it returns all to the right of the delimiter. ’, ‘,’)) AS string_parts; It’s the same as the earlier example, but we use a comma as the separator instead of a space. It takes a number as its second argument, and that number specifies. The SUBSTRING_INDEX () function returns a substring from a string before a specified number of occurrences of the delimiter. The result after splitting should be 'apple - banana'. Sample data: COL1 COL2 COL3 000002,000003,000042 09,31,51 007,004,007. 26. MySQL does not have a PIVOT operator that dynamically generates columns, so the closest you could get is something like this Q&A below. d*10+o3. Related. You can use substring_index () function from MySQL to split the left part of a string. g. en, ',', 2) AS country FROM table1 JOIN table2 USING ( id ) LEFT JOIN table3 AS t ON table1. 1. 0-10. To use STRING_SPLIT, the database should be at least in compatibility level of 130. MySql, split a string and insert into table. With your sample data you can perform the following: SELECT id, email, split_causes from sample_data, unnest (split (causes)) as split_causes. MySQL string split. See examples of extracting parts of a string based on the occurrence count of the delimiter, the position of the delimiter, or the middle of the delimiter. I need to extract these substrings using any MySQL functions. CREATE TABLE person(id integer, details text); INSERT INTO person(id,details) VALUES(1, "name:Tahir,age:30,sex:male"); I want to split details column by comma and show results in difference columns. 0. SQL. One is the 'RoledID' and second one is the 'MenuIDs'. I'm sure this is really easy, but I can't. 0. This isn't fixed width either. Then to put them into columns (from rows) we pivot on the ROW_NUMBER (in no particular order) and produce the MAX string value for each rows position. MySQL Iterate through. From SQL SERVER 2016 we can use sql inbuilt function STRING_SPLIT as below : SELECT * FROM JobOffers as j outer apply. The function SUBSTRING_INDEX() takes 3 arguments: the source string, the delimiter, and the occurrence count of the delimiter. Hot Network QuestionsQuery: SELECT DISTINCT 2_column FROM table ORDER BY 1_column. For more complex transformation we are going to use 3 MySQL functions like: * locate. id /* the next line has failure with SPLIT_STR */ LEFT JOIN table3 AS l ON table1. The outer part of the function splits what it is holding in memory and then. Another method if you have MySQL 8+ for the lik string to split into thousands of pieces without a loop is create an temporary table using recursive cte as follows: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE numbers WITH RECURSIVE cte AS ( select 1 as n union all select n +1 from cte limit 1000 ) SELECT * FROM cte; And then use the same query as above:. Step 1: Set IFS to the delimiter you would want. e. You can use the PIVOT operator to produce the columns from your rows following the split as there are a known number of elements. We'll then use this function in a query and pass it comma-separated string data one row at a time. Something like this: SELECT ID, explode (split (value, ',')) FROM TempView. 1 Answer. Same applies to storeList. SELECT ProductId, Name, Tags FROM Product JOIN STRING_SPLIT ('1,2,3',',') ON value = ProductId; The preceding STRING_SPLIT usage is a replacement for a common antipattern. (php의 split함수와 유사하죠^^) CREATE FUNCTION `split` ( str VARCHAR (500), del VARCHAR (2), idx INT ) RETURNS varchar (500) BEGIN. string: Required. The result is NULL if. Split Comma separated Values in SQL Server : It is very easy to split the comma separated value in SQL server than the Oracle. We generally use a user defined function to do this, which you have probably found in many places that splits the string based on the delimiter passed. The string can be CHAR or VARCHAR. You can change a compatibility level of the database using the following command: ALTER DATABASE DatabaseName SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 130 Syntax. 1 Answer. Let's say I have a table in a MySQL database with two columns first_string and second_string. I had to use MySQL split_str in one of my project. Edit : if you always wanted the nth value, you can do a cascade. 5. Please stop adding "WHILE loop" and/or "Recursive CTE" split string functions to S. The following example function takes 3 parameters, performs an operation using an SQL function, and returns the result. If it doesn't work you can print out what line went wrong so you can manually fix those issues. The SUBSTRING_INDEX () function goes through the input string for the delimiter characters, after which it comes up with a string based on the appearance of. This still deserves a +1 for the principle expressed. When using the SET type with FIND_IN_SET, MySQL uses one integer to store all values and uses binary "and" operation to check for presence of values which is way more efficient than scanning a comma-separated string. MySQL - How to split values in single. There a few possibilities here - Solution1 uses standard MariaDB string functions, and Solution2 makes use of regular expressions (regexes - excellent site here, quick start here). split string with space in MYSQL. TOKEN(character_expression, delimiter_string, occurrence) TOKEN("a little white dog"," ",2) returns little the source is below. Our MS SQL database extensively uses a T-SQL user defined function that splits a delimited string and returns a table of the split strings. how to split a string by delimiter and save it as json object in mysql. In MySQL, a delimiter is one or more characters to run a SQL statement and ; is used as a delimiter by default according to the doc as shown below: If you use the mysql client program to define a stored program containing semicolon characters, a problem arises. I'm trying to split a field (at some delimiter, in the example below using ';') and insert the results of the split into a table. The requirement is to split the single string into separate fields. This is legacy stuff and the user insists on being able to edit a comma delimited string. select column2 from table_name where column1 like 001 or 002 or 0031. I just wanted to give an alternative way to split a string with multiple delimiters, in case you are using a SQL Server version under 2016. String-valued functions return NULL if the length of the result would be greater than the value of the max_allowed_packet system variable. The delimiter is a string of characters that the SUBSTRING_INDEX() function looks for in the source string. Teams. 1, “Configuring the Server”. How do I split the sting by delimiter in PHPMyAdmin? Please see the example below. Here’s how it works: SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(''. The number of characters to extract. The query uses a combination of the JOIN and LIKE operators to find the matching records between the. @RolandoMySQLDBA: I thought the same thing, but Tomas's string included a trailing comma, so it is not needed. In order to split delimited string, I would need the creation of a function returning a table and taking a comma separated string as parameter. SELECT ProductId, Name, Tags FROM Product JOIN STRING_SPLIT ('1,2,3',',') ON value = ProductId; The preceding STRING_SPLIT usage is a replacement for a common antipattern. If it is a positive number, this function returns all to the left of the delimiter. From the official documentation, FIND_IN_SET returns 0 if id is not in the comma-separated list or if comma-separated list is an empty string. Now it is saving as a string of sentences seperated by comma or space. This query will split a string by comma values. MySQL does not include a function to split a delimited string. They will interchangeably accept character. 0. Python MySQL MySQL Get Started MySQL Create Database MySQL Create Table MySQL Insert MySQL Select MySQL Where MySQL Order By MySQL Delete MySQL Drop Table MySQL Update MySQL Limit MySQL Join. 7)MySQL: Split comma separated list into multiple rows. . Then loop over CTE and applied SUBSTRING to your original string and returned the result. So you add the length of the delimiter. Sorted by: 68. 101. Hence, it is important not to mistake the MySQL delimiter for either the pipe or the semicolon. Follow edited Aug 31, 2010 at 21:07. I would like to loop on each value of path column & split content by '/' delimiter & replace numbers with values from another column using MySQL & store result into another new column path_long. StringValue. Here is the syntax of the SUBSTRING_INDEX () function: SUBSTRING_INDEX (str,delimiter,n) Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) In this syntax: str is the string from which you want to extract a substring. and then SELECT DISTINCT among the exploded values. Split delimited string value into rows. 3 Answers. SQL Split Row Data Separated by Spaces. -- -- split function -- s : string to split -- del : delimiter -- i : index requested -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS SPLIT_STRING; DELIMITER $ CREATE FUNCTION. A table is in-essence an array already. 1. In this technique we will create user-defined function to split the string by delimited character using “SUBSTRING” function, “CHARINDEX” and while loop. SELECT. Get the 2nd or 3rd occurrence of a value in a delimited string. String_Split. All the other methods to split string like XML, Tally table, while loop, etc. * mid. 0. You can use SPLIT_PART function in vertica to split the comma separated list into rows and insert them into a temp table. Standard STRING_SPLIT does not allow to take last value. Except where noted, these functions and operators are declared to accept and return type text. I would like to know if there are any other alternative to splitting a string by its ";" delimiter into separate rows without using the STRING_SPLIT function or CREATE or WITH. Now i want to split string with | and ,. Storing multiple values in a string column is just the wrong way to store data in a SQL database. SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(street, ' ', 1) AS street1, SUBSTRING_INDEX(street, ' ', 2) AS street2, SUBSTRING_INDEX(street, ' ', 3) AS street3 FROM address. MySQL is quite popular in handling databases among developers and programmers. 'apple - banana - grape'. TO_BASE64 () Return the argument converted to a base-64 string. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I used DATE(fromDate) to convert fromDate from a string to a MySQL Date so it sorts in a date-like fashion. It refers to the last insert we did. Split string by ; 2. It will make life a lot easier. The idea is to have all the names in the first columns and the ages in the second column. You need to use the GROUP_CONCAT function to get all sentences in one line: SELECT GROUP_CONCAT (sentence_column SEPARATOR ' ') FROM Sentences GROUP BY sentence_column; Then you need to tokenize the sentence and insert the tokens in a temporary table and then do the select from there. ) 2. I'd like to split a string in MySQL using a regex delimiter. Introduction to the importance of string manipulation in MySQL String manipulation is. Then you can make a prepared statement from the query string variable and execute it. I tried using function SUBSTRING_INDEX, it works for the first string and the continuation of that first string, but not the second string. [Split](@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter char(1)) returns @temptable TABLE (SplitValue varchar(8000)) as begin declare @idx int declare @slice varchar(8000) select @idx = 1 if len(@String)<1 or @String is null return while @idx!= 0. value (cannot find either column "split" or user defined function or aggregate "split. Stack Overflow. type = t. Syntax: First, here is the code to use you sample data in a table called prod and a temp table called prodcat to hold the results you are looking for. c. 1. Question. The number of times to search for the delimiter. SQL parsing delimited data in one column out to two other.